School Uniform
It is widely recognised that a strong uniform helps to create a sense of belonging and identity, a culture of success and a positive ethos within a school; something we very much wish to build upon within Dumfries High School. A clear and distinctive uniform also helps to enhance the image of our school both within the local community and further afield as pupils represent the school at various events and activities locally, nationally and sometimes internationally.
Uniform Links
Dumfries High School – Uniform Guidelines – June 2024
Dumfries High School – Letter to Parents – June 2024
Parents in receipt of a grant for footwear and clothing from the authority will be encouraged to purchase items which are in accordance with the school dress code. Guidance is available on Clothing Grants from Pupil / Parent Support Unit on Dumgal.gov.
While it would not normally be the policy of the authority to exclude a pupil from school solely on the basis of his/her dress, persistent refusal to respond to a reasonable dress code could be deemed to be a challenge to the Headteacher’s authority and thus be detrimental to the wellbeing of the whole school community. In such circumstances, a Headteacher could justify the use of the school disciplinary procedures.
Dumfries High School Uniform
Pupils should attend school wearing the following:
- White shirt – no coloured parts to the shirt or logos
- Black trousers or skirt (as near to knee length as possible) – no jeans/ denims, tracksuit bottoms, jeggings, leggings or shorts
- A school tie worn correctly (these can be purchased at the school office for £7)
- Black jumpers (v neck) or cardigan under which the school tie should be visible. Only plain black (with no logos or branding) will be allowed to be worn in class
- No Hoodies of any kind are to be worn in class
- Black shoes or trainers (we would encourage all parents when purchasing uniform in the summer to ensure shoes are black).
- Blazers with the school crest are compulsory for all students S1-S6.